I found that my love for puzzles and problem solving also allowed me to gain an interest in psychology. Particularly, the fields of cognitive decision making and morality. During my final year, I conducted my own research project under my academic supervisor, Jonathen Cole. The research investigated a link between an individual’s moral attitudes and how extreme they were politically, looking at right wing authoritarianism and social dominance attitudes in student populations. The results were used to contribute to a larger study into morality by a PhD student.
Throughout my studies and completion of this project, I have had brilliant experience using my analytical and critical thinking skills. Due to the nature of the degree, I had to analyse statistical outputs and derive results from such. Combined with my love for problem solving, this has benefited my studies greatly and I’m sure will serve me well in my future career.
Computer Science
Having studied computer science for GCSE, I wanted to continue my studies during my A Levels. My interests for computing and problem solving helped throughout my studies. My final project in Year 13 was to create a recursive backtracking algorithm for a randomly generated, playable maze. I enjoyed this project, and I continue to have a strong love for computers and IT.
Studying case studies and gaining foundational knowledge in human psychology was fascinating. There were many areas covered, from biopsychology to cognitive neuroscience and social psychology. I grew evermore intrigued and thus I decided to take it one step further and continue this subject to degree level.
Sociology took the social psychology that I was learning and extrapolated it to group dynamics and societal structures. I found this subject quite interesting and allowed me the capacity to create longer essays and explore wider concepts like government policy and class-divides.